Emergency desk for lost IDs, passports set up at Nyayo house

The displacement has led to the loss of vital documents including ID, passports, and other certificates crucial for daily identification and transactions.
An emergency desk has been set up at Nyayo House to report or replace IDs, passports, and personal documents lost in floods. More desks will be set up at regional offices, Immigration and Citizen Services Julius Bitok said on Friday.
This is to fast-track the vital documents' replacement for the affected persons across the country.
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"We have set up a centre at Nyayo house where you can report as an emergency so that those who have lost their documents in the raging floods can replace them in the shortest time possible," said the PS who led a tree planting exercise at the Kenya Meat Institute in Mavoko, Machakos County.
"We are ready to move around the country to ensure each of them has a new document in the shortest time possible."
The ongoing heavy rains have affected over 286,000 people across the country with close to 47,000 households displaced and over 200 deaths reported in 37 of the country's 47 counties.
The displacement has led to the loss of vital documents including ID, passports, and other certificates crucial for daily identification and transactions.
The PS further called on Kenyans to engage in tree planting to mitigate against flooding and other extreme weather events.
"We will plant 3,000 trees in this area while joining the rest of Kenyans to ensure there are enough trees to help us combat flooding and mitigate the effects of climate change," added the PS.
The government targets to plant at least four million trees a month and 15 billion within a decade to roll back the adverse effects of climate change.
These efforts received a major boost two days ago when the government gazetted May 10 as a national tree planting day.
Today, all cabinet secretaries are planting trees in various locations across the country with a set target of 300 million trees within 24 hours, an exercise that will continue throughout the next six months.
President William Ruto has encouraged each Kenyan to plant 50 trees during this period as their contribution to the programme.
PS Bitok revealed that the Department for Immigration and Citizen Services has requested to adopt a piece of land at Portland Cement to plant trees yearly and take care of them to maturity.
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